The day was chosen as 31/3/13 an auspicious day it was to
be. Mages from all over the multiverse traversed to the Tavern. Scarlet letters
were posted out to a select few, Planeswalkers they were called. These letters
contained an invitation, one that only these selected PLaneswalkers could fulfil.
These invitations were for the inaugural Grand Magus Challenge! The
planeswalkers were the best of the best in their respective fields, they were
invited based on their strengths and know how. These select few Planeswalkers
have bested their peers and were thus invited to play on a level playing field
to determine who would be the best amongst the best. The inaugural challenge
was arduous yet thrilling at the same time. The rounds were action packed, with
blows after blows rained upon each planeswalker like that you could never
imagine. Those mages, who managed to attend the event, were treated to a feast
for their senses as only the best DUELISTs could provide. It was a show that
was worth trading even a limb for. It was the Grand Magus Challenge. 4 rounds
were set upon the Challengers, each one getting tougher than the previous one.
Each Challenger tried their best to rise up to the occasion. Those who fell,
they fell valiantly, those who succeeded were rewarded bountifully. At the end,
the winner of the Grand Magus Challenge walked away with the grand prize of 100
dollars in GOLD!! The names of the challengers who fought through the entire
gauntlet will henceforth be immortalized as the list below will mention. The
esteemed Judge Z who presided over the event made sure that every round was
conducted fairly and justly, no cheating was tolerated at this level and
penalties were given out to the fullest extent of the law. To those of you who
couldn’t make it for the event, there will be event coverage listed in the latest
edition of The Invoker coming to a Tavern near you.
Grand Magus Challengers: (in no particular order)
Darren Ben
Matthias Axellson
Robert Lee
Vincent Chan
Jun Xian
Adwin Lim