Thursday, September 18, 2014

Khans of tarkir Prerelease

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Tavern is Gearing up for the Biggest PRerelease PARTY they've ever hosted in their life :)
And of course YOU GUYS ARE ALL INVITED!! :)
Here are some photos of the PreParation Work in ProGRess!

/\We started work early, and honestly it was so much heavy lifting, snake grew too buff for his box/\
\/Cupboards were stripped to their bare paints and given a new sheen\/

/\Worried that Prerelease will require nourishment the Tavern has prepared tons of food supplies to keep the bellies happy :) /\
\/THE KHANS deserve some RESPECT after plotting their war strategies, they DEMANDED BANNERS\/


 /\ Carpets were washed, and tablecloths were send to bake, floors were scrubbed and polished/\
\/Snake got so tired he evolved into PYRAMID KHAN!!\/
 /\After the cleaning and preparations the Tavern was once again opened for an RPG session/\

 and that is the conclusion of our very brief run through of how the Prerelease was PREPARED!!
Next up:

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