Monday, November 28, 2011

GPT KL Sanctioning

Guys, the GPT for KL grand prix will have to be sanctioned soon.
So i would like to get you guys to tell me when u guys want it held :)
the poll is on the face book page :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Planeswalking Tavern: Celebrate the Day

This is a series of vignettes centred around a fictional Tavern in the Magic Multiverse.
MONTHS have passed since the bandits’ attempt to wrench the planeswalking engine from its rightful place, and the inescapable truth lingered at the back of the throat like the echo of a bitter, acidic aftertaste. It was the truth that, from that day onwards, Captain Jéne E. Ilk would have to mistrust everyone and everything that sought to come close to him. He realised that his most profound creation, the planeswalking engine, was also his most cursed damnation.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EE Reprint list for the L5r players

EE Reprint list for the L5r players

 Ladies and gents, the Reprint list as updated (14/11/11)
This is the reprint list for the Empress Edition of Legend of Five Rings

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Innistrad Singles are up!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Innistrad Singles are finally up again :)
The Tavern thanks all of you for the wait and apologizes for all inconvenience caused.
For those of you who do not notice it, the pages tabs are above this line just below the banner

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen,
This weekend is the 111111 weekend :)
therefore, this weekend the Tavern will have a special deal for its FNM
it will cost RM 11 entry
There will be 11 go for the throats
and the top 11 will get boosters (with minimum 11 players attendance :P )

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The tavern is currently looking for Article writers and content editors who are willing to help out on a pet project that will be coming up over the course of the next 2 weeks.